Cad cam technology has been here 35 years
When I retire, I will add my CAD-CAM experience. I anticipated working for another five years. I could observe how some of my treatments had survived, repaired, or replaced some that had not! Generally, my thought process has always been to remove as little tooth structure as possible. I have used it for people who have often seen me for over 25 years, so they TRUST me.

There is no way I would have attempted this back when I qualified. The Cerec system had only just come out.
Also, it is bound to fail. Or is it?
The restorations lasted long enough, about three years from memory, and I had consent for the photos from my patient and the son, who when I rang him, said his mum was proud that she never had to wear dentures.
Click on the image for the dropbox link of a case I presented to our peer review group. This crown isn't suitable for everyone, but on posteriors, the aesthetics are good enough and affordable. A Volkscrown.
Also, it is bound to fail. Or is it?
The restorations lasted long enough, about three years from memory, and I had consent for the photos from my patient and the son, who when I rang him, said his mum was proud that she never had to wear dentures.
Click on the image for the dropbox link of a case I presented to our peer review group. This crown isn't suitable for everyone, but on posteriors, the aesthetics are good enough and affordable. A Volkscrown.
I have retired and spent most of my time promoting prevention and making animations and videos on prevention. The last minute of this five-minute introduction shows some of the alternative applications of CadCam. I have the slides, and if you are interested DM, and we can have a webinar. There are references and a long presentation pn the FD page. 42 minutes in on the second video😀

The Institute of Digital Dentistry is an excellent resource for learning about CadCam technology. It gives an impartial view and background to many systems that weren't available ten years ago. Follow the BLOG.
There is a multitude of online learning courses for Cad Cam. I used James Klim of Cadster.
Another is Cerec doctors who seem to be part of the excellent American group led by Frank Spear.
When I saw him in Las Vegas, he advised that mobile periodontally-involved teeth lasted longer than recent implants in the same patient.
Cad Cam has a learning curve, but as with most technology, it gets easier and more predictable each year. I would advise an online years subscription to get the most out of your investment.

A few years ago, I met Larry Brown at a Dental show. He gave a fascinating talk on 3D printing.
It was interesting as there were hardly any dentists there and only a few technicians.
This is the future, and some of the crowns made on printers will be strong enough and have better aesthetics than those currently made on milling machines.
It was interesting as there were hardly any dentists there and only a few technicians.
This is the future, and some of the crowns made on printers will be strong enough and have better aesthetics than those currently made on milling machines.
Click on the image to start a route to enhance your skills and career.
I wish I had a similar resource when I qualified rather than a book.
Make your working day enjoyable and rewarding.
I wish I had a similar resource when I qualified rather than a book.
Make your working day enjoyable and rewarding.